DGF (Delice et Creation Export)
DGF is a French brand of pastry ingredients designed for pastry chefs. Our goal is to make the very best in patisserie available to all professionals. With more than 600 ingredients selected and tested by our R&D team to guarantee optimum quality.
As part of our responsible and transparent approach, we have decided to limit the use of controversial substances such as additives, flavourings or ultra-processed ingredients as much as possible, where these are used in our recipes.
We continue to work in this direction to improve the composition of our recipes.
重點產品 | Highlight Products
1. Royaltine 薄脆片
2. Cocoa Powder Extra Red 20/22 棕紅可可粉
3. Almond Paste杏仁膏 65%
4. Pistachio Paste 100% 純開心果醬
5. Apricot Halves in Syrup 糖漬切半杏桃
Royaltine 薄脆片
Royaltine comes from crushed French-crêpes. Adding crispy textures in bases or inserts, it can be mixed with praliné, chocolate or as decoration.

Almond Paste 杏仁膏 65%
Soft and easy and ready-to-use, this paste has a good taste of almond and is low in sugar.

Apricot Halves in Syrup 糖漬切半杏桃
Cropped at the perfect period, the apricots are bake stable. They have a regular calibre and the light syrup preserves them. Perfect for tarts, verrines, cakes, decoration and compotes.

Cocoa Powder Extra Red 20/22
部分脫脂可可粉,脂肪含量: 20-22%。
Partly skimmed cocoa powder. Fat content: 20 - 22%. To use in any texture in order to give a cocoa taste and an extra red cocoa colour.

Pistachio Paste 100% 純開心果醬
Made without sugar, aroma and flavourng, the thin brown paste is obtained with the mixing and heating of pistachio. With the real natural taste of the nut, its popular applications are ice creams, sorbets, flavouring and pastry creams.