Lesaffre 是一家全球酵母和發酵產品的領導者,可以追溯其歷史至 1853 年在法國里爾成立的公司。Lesaffre 的核心業務就是酵母和發酵產品。該公司生產各種特製酵母,用於食品和飲料行業的多種應用。Lesaffre 的酵母產品被廣泛應用於烘焙食品、啤酒、葡萄酒以及其他發酵食品和飲料的製造。公司已經開發出先進的研發能力,創造針對特定客戶需求和應用的專有酵母菌株。支撐 Lesaffre 酵母業務成功的是其遍布全球的龐大製造足跡。遍佈世界各地的生產設施,使公司能夠有效地服務於本地市場,同時保持嚴格的質量控制和供應鏈管理。除了核心酵母業務,Lesaffre 還利用其發酵專業知識開發創新的生物技術解決方案,包括動物飼料添加劑和生物燃料生產技術。但公司的主要重點仍然是維持其在專業酵母產品供應方面的市場領導地位。憑藉對研發的堅定承諾和以客戶為中心的方法,Lesaffre 不斷加強其核心業務,鞏固其作為這一關鍵行業值得信賴的全球合作夥伴的地位。
Lesaffre is a global leader in yeast and fermentation products, tracing its origins back to 1853 when the company was founded in Lille, France. At the heart of Lesaffre's operations is its core yeast and fermentation products business.
The company produces a wide range of specialized yeasts tailored for diverse applications in the food and beverage industries. Lesaffre's yeast products are used extensively in the manufacturing of baked goods, beer, wine, and other fermented foods and drinks. The company has developed advanced R&D capabilities to create proprietary yeast strains optimized for specific customer needs and applications.
Underpinning Lesaffre's success in yeast is its sizable manufacturing footprint, with production facilities located across the world. This global reach allows the company to efficiently serve local markets while maintaining tight quality control and supply chain management.
In addition to its core yeast business, Lesaffre also leverages its fermentation expertise to develop innovative biotechnology solutions, including animal feed additives and biofuel production technologies. However, the company's primary focus remains on its market-leading position in the supply of specialized yeast products.
With a steadfast commitment to R&D and a customer-centric approach, Lesaffre continues to strengthen its core offerings, solidifying its status as a trusted global partner in this critical industry.
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