Hasnaâ 頂級巧克力莊園

Hasnaâ Chocolats Grands Crus自2014年Hasnaâ Ferreira 和 Vincent Ferreira創立以來,已成為法式手工巧克力業界的標竿品牌。公司旗下17位職員分別任職於3家精品門市、網路商店和位於法國Canejan的生產工廠,體現了對巧克力工藝的熱愛。 秉持「由可可豆到巧克力(From Bean to Bar)」的製作理念,意味著每一款產品都是獨一無二的藝術品, Hasnaâ精心挑選可可豆,嚴格把關從可可豆到巧克力棒的每個生產環節,品牌能脫穎而出仰賴他們嚴格且無添加人工添加劑、防腐劑的製作過程。 其創新系列的'波爾多一瞬'系列為是品牌創意發想的結晶。透過結合葡萄酒風味的甘納許,展現波爾多風土特色,為消費者帶來一趟真正的味覺之旅。 同時Hasnaâ積極旅行社會和環境責任。與當地協會攜手合作實踐環保承諾。 Hasnaâ已榮獲超過50多項國內外大獎,包括'2016年度巧克力職人'等殊榮,Hasnaâ不再只是一家巧克力工廠,而是卓越品質、真實性和行業承諾的代表。探索這些獨特的巧克力體驗,每一口都訴說著一個動人的故事,這便是創作者、產品與消費者之間共享的熱情。 Since its creation in 2014 by Hasnaâ and Vincent Ferreira, Hasnaâ Chocolats Grands Crus has become a key reference in the world of French artisan chocolate-making. With 17 employees spread across three boutiques, an online shop and a production workshop in Canéjan (France), the company embodies an authentic passion for the art of chocolate. The “Bean To Bar” approach means that each product is a unique work of art, made entirely on site from carefully sourced cocoa beans. Controlling the entire process, from bean to bar, Hasnaâ Chocolats Grands Crus stands out for its uncompromising creations, free from artificial additives and preservatives. The innovative “Un Instant à Bordeaux” collection is a testament to the company's creativity, showcasing the terroirs of Bordeaux through ganaches flavoured with wine - a real invitation to a taste journey. At the same time, the company's social and environmental commitment is evident in its solidarity initiatives, eco-responsible choices and partnerships with local associations. With over 50 awards to its name, including "Chocolate Maker of the Year 2016", Hasnaâ Chocolats Grands Crus is much more than a chocolate factory: it's a symbol of excellence, authenticity and commitment to the community. Discover a unique chocolate experience, where every bite tells a story, a passion shared between the creators, the products and the customers
重點產品 | Highlight products
1. Box of WINE GANACHE - Un instant à Bordeaux
2. Box of Mix Chocolate Ganache and Praliné
3. Handcraft dark chocolate Qori inti 75% - Perou
4. Handcraft dark milk chocolate Cannelé Brésil 55%